Scripture: "The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born." (Mark 14:21)
Meditation: Judas Iscariot’s Master Plan
Gospel accounts did not record much about Jesus’ activities on the Wednesday, fourth day of a week. Rather some people suggest that He was resting or staying low profile some where on that day. Jesus was at Bethany at the house of Simon the leper (Matt.26:6). Meanwhile, Judas Iscariot was busy contacting with Pharisees for his Master plan to betray Jesus (Matt.26:14-15). Many people used to ask the question, “Why Judas Iscariot betray Jesus?” There are many obvious reasons in Judas’ betrayal to Jesus.

First of all, the “money” is the root cause. Thirty pieces of silver may seem much for Judas to lust after it. It could buy a piece of land at that time (Matt.27:7,8). Judas was recorded by John as a thief who being treasurer of the group and stealing money out of it (John 12:6).
Second, his motive to follow Christ must be thrust for the power and popularity. As soon as he realized that Jesus was no longer going to be king of Israel , his disappointment may prompted him to reject Him. Properly, it may be happen right after the triumphant entry where Jesus predicted of His death. (Jn.12:32-34).
Third, it must be “Sin” that dwell in his un-regenerated heart. He was lost from the beginning and never come to repentance of his sinful nature. Jesus told that such person, for him, it is better not to be born into this world (Mk.14:21).
Fourth, Satan entered Judas and used him for his purpose (Lk.22:3). I believe that Judas Iscariot was given many chances to come to the knowledge of salvation while he was walking closely with the Master Jesus. Indeed, he was responsible for his own action.
Judas sought the opportunity to betray him from this day (Matt.26:16). Judas was giving chance to repent till the last moment when Jesus point him out at the last supper, yet his heart was harden. In comparison between Peter and Judas; they both had betrayed Christ in a moment, Peter was repented but not Judas . Judas went and hung himself.
Isn’t so agony when you find out that you are not what you think you are? Assurance of our salvation is great and Scripture teaches us about that. But false assurance that we belong to Christ, without being true to yourself, actually you are lost, would be painful. We ought to be sure in our faith in Jesus Christ. Our salvation in Christ does not depend on our experience, prayer or any other spiritual exercises. It is simply accepting in faith upon His atonement work on the cross. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourself; it is the gift of God,...” (Eph.2:8).
You may examine yourself for whether you are saved or not by checking a few of these characters within you. Your love for God is genuine and real which shows in your conducts and character. You are continually fellowship with Christ in your prayer and obedience to His words. You do not enjoy dwelling in sin whenever you fall yet growing out of it. You are submitting yourself under the guidance of Holy Spirit in every aspect of your life.
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