Scripture: Matthew 21:12-17
Mark 11:15-19
Luke 19:45-48
John (no mention)
Meditation: Final Missiion of Christ: Cleansing of Spiritual Darkness
After the Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem, Jesus returned to Bethany at evening. Jesus spent the night in prayer much of which he prayed for us. According to John gospel account even in the last hour, Jesus’ prayer was all about us. (Jn.17:1-26) His love is far greater than anything else for us. More to say, Jesus wept as He looked over the city of Jerusalem. He was moved with compassion upon this city and people, says “if you have known…, the things that make for your peace!” (Lk.19:42)
Mark 11:15-19
Luke 19:45-48
John (no mention)
Meditation: Final Missiion of Christ: Cleansing of Spiritual Darkness
After the Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem, Jesus returned to Bethany at evening. Jesus spent the night in prayer much of which he prayed for us. According to John gospel account even in the last hour, Jesus’ prayer was all about us. (Jn.17:1-26) His love is far greater than anything else for us. More to say, Jesus wept as He looked over the city of Jerusalem. He was moved with compassion upon this city and people, says “if you have known…, the things that make for your peace!” (Lk.19:42)

Jesus predicted His death, betrayer, and resurrection immediately after the triumphal entry. Of cause, the disciples who heard it, wasn’t understood at that time. He gave the example of a grain of wheat that felt into ground and died and it produced much grain. (Jn.12:24). Indeed, Jesus was that grain of wheat which brings many lives into eternal glory through His death on the cross.
Jesus took off in the morning from Bethany back to Jerusalem. On His way, He found the fig tree that did not bear fruit and He cursed it. It is a little bit strange for our Lord to do so, as we think. However, it was the very effective object lesson that He taught to His disciples. It is the cleansing act of God for the spiritual barren. Much of its lesson should be learned in our spiritual life. True enough, Jesus next step was toward the temple. He rampaged through the businesses of people at the temple gate. He proclaimed “My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” (Lk.19:46) These are Jesus’ final mission of cleaning the spiritual darkness among people.
Jesus healed the blind and the lame at the temple that day (Matt.21:14). He now returned to Bethany again.

Jesus teaches us just before His way to the cross that we should walk in the light while we can unless darkness overtake you (Jn.12:35). It is a warning as well as encouragement to us that we are to faithfully walk in the light. It reminds us by John, saying, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1Jn.1:6-7) Let us walk in the light till He comes again (Eph.5:8).
Jesus added, “While you have the light believe in the light, that you may become sons of light” (Jn.12:36). If you have not known Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is time now for you to accept Him in your life. Jesus Christ is the light of the World (Jn.8:12). “In Him (Jesus Christ) was life, and the life was the light of men.” (Jn.1:4). Jesus gives eternal life to those who believe in Him (Jn.3:16).
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