Thursday Children Bible StoryThis was the first day of the holiday. It was supposed to be the day they had a special meal, called the "Feast of Unleavened Bread." Jesus probably spent the day teaching and praying. He sent some disciples to borrow a place in the city to have their feast.
While Jesus was eating with his 12 disciples, he told them that one of them would betray him. He even knew it was Judas. Why did he let Judas hang around? Jesus knew that one of them would have to fulfill scripture. So he let Judas do what had to be done. This meal was called the "Last Supper." It is where we get the ritual called "communion." Jesus told us to drink the wine, and remember his blood that he shed for our sins. He told us to eat the bread, and remember his body. After they ate, they sang a hymn together. Then they went to a place called the "Mount of Olives."
Jesus was talking to his disciples and told them that they would all disown him. Peter, one of the disciples, was a little hot headed. He told Jesus that even if he had to die, he would never deny Jesus. Jesus told him that before the sun came up the next morning, that Peter would deny him 3 times! Peter disagreed, and all of the disciples agreed with Peter, they would NEVER deny Jesus.
Jesus and the disciples left the Mount of Olives and went to Gethsemane. He told the disciples to sit tight while he went to pray. He took 3 disciples with him a little way, and then he started getting really sad. He told the 3 disciples to watch out for him, he went a little further away from them, fell to his face, and prayed. When he returned to the disciples, he found them asleep! He woke them up, told them to pray to resist temptation, then he left them to go and pray. He did this 3 times, and every time the disciples fell asleep! The last time he told them that his time was about up, and his betrayer was coming.
While he was speaking, Judas came up the hill. Judas wasn't alone. With Judas was a large crowd of people armed with swords and clubs. The preachers (chief priests) and elders had sent them. Judas had given them a signal, the one he kissed was to be arrested. Judas said hello to Jesus and kissed him. Jesus knew what was going on and told Judas to do what he had come for.
The men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. One of Jesus' followers had some guts. He pulled out his sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers. John said that Simon Peter did it, and that makes sense. Anyway, Jesus touched the soldiers ear and healed him! One of the guys arresting him! Even more surprising, they arrested Jesus anyway. Jesus told them it was dumb to hire a betrayer, and sneak up in the night, because he was in the temple every day. They could have grabbed him for free any day of the week. But he explained that it was to fulfill prophecy. Those dumb old jealous preachers didn't realize that they were helping complete what was told of in the Old Testament. They took Jesus into town, and all of the disciples and followers deserted him and ran away. Hours before they said they would follow him, even if it meant death!
- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -
The ritual of religious belief is interesting - and somehow the Golden Rule is lost in translation.
This is a message I recently heard from Karen Armstrong who is quoted, "I say that religion isn't about believing things. It's ethical alchemy. It's about behaving in a way that changes you, that gives you intimations of holiness and sacredness."
I hope you will take a moment to listen to her speak:
Well, she stands in very different ground than us. First of all, Christianity is not religion but rather, it is a relationship that build between the Creator and creatures.
If the religions of the world can change people, there will be no more war, chaos, violence, etc. Because one way or another, people of the world engaged themselve in religions. So stongly disagree with her.
Christians do not obtain holiness by self effort unlike other religions teaches. But Holy God Himself imputs on us His Holiness that we might be called holy before Him. By Christ's righteousness we are being made to be righteous. Which also known as Grace of God.
Try God's's awesome! by accepting His only Son, Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Bible says, "whoever calls upon His name (Jesus Christ) shall be saved" Romans 10:13
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