Recently, I read the book on ministry related subject. It's titled, "Ministry Nuts and Bolts." The title caught my attention and it was interesting subject to read. The book is well written and much needed concept to every ministry leader today. Hope you can enjoy my review on this book.
"Ministry Nuts and Bolts: What They Don't Teach Pastors in Seminary"
by Aubrey Malphurs
Aubrey Malphurs (Th.M., Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) is the president of Vision Ministries International and chairman of the Field Education Department at Dallas Seminary. He also serves as a pastor and church planter in his local congregation. He wrote this book "Ministry Nuts and Bolts: What They Don't Teach Pastors in Seminary," published by Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI., 2009, the second edition.
Dr. Malphurs desires that this book may use as a tool to equip a new generation leaders in order to achieve a significant ministry in the twenty-first century churches. He subtitled this book effectively, matching with his purpose, to equip pastors for the ministry. He wrote this book in the perspective of pastor to pastor, sharing his knowledge and guiding them as co-worker in Christ. He uses his experiences as a pastor to present practical solutions to pastoral ministry. This book solemnly focuses on local church ministry and its effectiveness. He said, "I have written this book to help leaders, pastors, and church boards think through these ministry ABCs." (p.13). Thus, author's intended audience is clearly perceived. The book is targeted toward the ministry leaders and pastors. If one must utilize the contents of the book, definitely the outcome of the ministry will be effectual. The author's background as the president of Vision Ministries International and a chairman of the Field Education Department at Dallas Seminary is very appropriate and well qualified to write this kind of book. The author has a fullness of development in the writing and fluidity in his style. This book is well organized in its contents. The author delivers his intend of the book to the readers fully. This book affects me greatly in my personal growth for the ministry. I have learned that a ministry setting likes church need to have those four essential parts in order to grow effectively. I have seen vividly step by step implementation of the author's approach toward the effective local church ministry. Now I agree with author that this book is contained with really the nuts and bolts of the ministry structure. Definitely, this book is a must-have in the hands of ministry leaders. They can read it and practice its principles immediately in their existing ministries. Without this book, the leaders may not realize their ministries that they are missing very important nuts and bolts to hold up the ministry structure.
In this book, the author concerns for the ministry leaders from presumptuous ways of doing ministry. He encourages the leaders to step outside of the box and think for the essential steps in leading of the effective ministry. He suggests four foundational ministry concepts, such as values, mission, vision, and strategy. These are the vital concentrations that drive the local church ministry. In the perception of Value, he says, "Thus, core values define what you believe is God's heart for your ministry or church"(p.17). The author clearly distinguishes what is core value and what is not, along with examples and illustrations. This is a strong point for this book. It just not answers questions, but it gives answers with practical applications.
Important facts are; first, 'Core Value' which has two folds idea, such as 'Constant' and 'Passionate'. Constant value will sustain the ministry's focus and Passionate value will boost the energy in ministry. Core value should be Biblical based value. The author intensely gives instructions on how to discover the core value in a local church ministry.
Second, 'Mission' of a ministry is the direction of ministry itself. The mission statement will guide and serves as the road map of the ministry. The author says, "We cannot predict the future; however, the formulation of a succinct mission statement will help to create a ministry's preferred future." (p.59). So he instills that a mission statement should be broad enough to fit in all church's activities and practices. Also he says further that the mission statement should be brief enough to understand and memorable for the purpose of effective communication.
Third, 'Vision' of the church is the vision of the pastor. God's vision comes through His servant for His people to follow. Therefore, the author's emphasis on leadership in the search of vision is much effective in this book. He denotes that a vision of the church is the future of its ministry. Yet, vision must not be confused with the mission of the church. Author dedicated the entire chapter 'Seven' to clarify the meaning of vision and mission. He distinguishes the differences between Vision and Mission with simplicity and clarity. He makes it easy by giving one single word for both vision and mission. That is 'Vision' as 'Picture' and 'Mission' as 'Statement'.
Forth, 'Strategy' for the ministry is the implementation of all those core value, mission and vision of the local church. Author says, "A strategy provides a sense of momentum or progress." (p.155). He gives five elements of effective strategy for the local church. They are the community, discipleship, dream team, ministry setting and finances. Indeed, all these five areas are much needed to emphasize for gaining momentum of ministry. Every leaders should read this book and learn to organize in minds and practices for the better leadership in ministry.
This book will help leaders of a local church ministry to discover their callings and enable them to define their ministries. In addition to author's detail explanation of the theory, this book supports it with figures and charts for better and clear understanding. It is also equipped with questions and discussion sections in each chapter. Those elements will help the readers to grasp the concept quickly. The author has done tremendous job in his presentation.
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