Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Holy Laughter? Drunk with Holy Spirit?

Some of youth has come to contact with "Holy Laughter" group by Innocent way. They have been influenced by these kind of experiences, so much so that it spread like fire among us. Here we stand, we can't tolerate this error but must test it out with God's Word.
'Holy laughter' is actually modern invention of sensational people like Rodney Howard-Browne and John Arnott who bring error by their miss-interpretation of the Bible. There is no such thing as lose control and chaotic behavior encouraged by the Scriptures. Instead, the Bible teaches us to be self-controlled and sober minded. Please do not be deceived by this kind of superficial, so called spiritual enlightenment. But rather we should be having simple faith that pleases God in our obedience and testimonial living. Here an article on this topic, written by Hank Hanegraaff the president of Christian Research Institute.

Counterfiet Revival-Article

Holy Laughter

What Bible verses are most commonly used to support “holy laughter,” and what is your response to them?

Acts 2:13. One passage frequently abused in the current Laughing Revival occurs in Luke’s account of the day of Pentecost: “Some, however, made fun of them and said, They have had too much wine.”
Leaders of this “Counterfeit Revival,” like Rodney Howard-Browne and John Arnott, seem bent on convincing their audiences that the apostles were manifesting all of the characteristics of drunkards. “Why did they think the believers were drunk?” asks Rodney Howard-Browne. “Because they must have acted like drunk people” (The Reality of the Person of the Holy Spirit, 24—25). Laughing Revival advocates argue that, if it happened during the First Pentecost, then it should happen today in an even broader and more spectacular fashion in what many are calling the “Second Pentecost.”
If you look at the passage, the first thing you see is that only some said they were drunk. Second, those who identified them as drunk were scoffers. Others, far from being convinced of their drunkenness, were instead amazed that “each of us hears them speak in his own native language” (NIV). Luke says that they were amazed because these unlearned Galileans were “declaring the wonders of God in a language they could understand. Thus, they were clearly not emitting incoherent noises in a drunken stupor or slurring their words, but they were cogently articulating “the wonders of God.” Peter, in fact, spoke so powerfully that 3,000 people stampeded their way to Calvary.
If the apostles truly were acting like drunks, Peter would have likely given an alternative explanation for their actions — attributing their bizarre behavior to an overwhelming “spiritual intoxication.” Instead, he corrected the scoffers by saying, “These men are not drunk, as you suppose” (v. 15).
In truth, the Bible gives no evidence that the believers “acted like drunk people.” The only behavior disclosed and discussed in Luke’s narrative is speaking in tongues (vv. 4—11). There is therefore no basis whatsoever in the text for imagining or attributing any other action or conduct (such as laughing, falling down, etc.) to those Spirit-filled believers.

Ephesians 5:18. Another verse commonly misrepresented by Laughing Revival advocates encapsulates Paul’s admonition that we should “not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead,” Paul urges, “be filled with the Spirit.” Being “drunk in the Spirit,” according to holy laughter factions, is the God-ordained counterpart to being drunk on alcohol — hence, the rationale for the inebriated-like state and behavior of those caught up in holy laughter.
A careful examination, however, reveals that in no way can this passage be legitimately used to support “spiritual drunkenness.” To begin with, there is no reason to equate being filled with the Spirit with any form of “spiritual drunkenness.” In fact, the context of the passage indicates a consistent use of contrasts to differentiate ungodly behavior from godly conduct. For example, sexual immorality is contrasted with holiness (v. 3). Coarse jesting is contrasted with thanksgiving (v. 4). Foolishness is contrasted with wisdom (vv. 15—16). Likewise, drunkenness is contrasted with being filled with the Spirit (v. 18).
To understand what “being filled with the Spirit” means, one need only read the next few verses which spell out the details in unmistakable terms: “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (vv. 19—20). Nowhere is there even a hint of the kind of erratic behavior promoted in Laughing Revival circles.
It is patently absurd to say that “spiritual debauchery” is the God-ordained counterpart to “plain old debauchery.” Or that precedents for indulging in “holy immorality,” “holy impurity,” and “holy greed” can be found in the Bible. Yet if “holy laughter” advocates are to stay consistent with their interpretation of verse 18, no other conclusion can logically follow — for the type of reasoning they use in claiming a biblical basis for so-called “spiritual drunkenness” can also be used to justify other “sanctified” acts of debauchery, immorality, impurity, and greed.
A representative picture of the Bible’s stance against the Laughing Revival phenomenon can readily be gleaned from various portions of Paul’s writings. The apostle listed, for example, “self-control” as one of the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:23) — clearly the opposite of the uncontrolled and chaotic activities that are characteristic of “holy laughter” gatherings. “Let us be alert and sober,” Paul told the Thessalonians (1 Thes. 5:6 NASB) as he contrasted drunkenness with sobriety (vv. 7—8). And to young Timothy, he advised to “be sober in all things” (2 Tim. 4:5). With so much emphasis on “self-control” and sobriety, the burden falls upon holy laughter proponents to reconcile their views with Scripture — a formidable, indeed impossible, undertaking.
Despite this impossibility, some still appeal to personal experience to validate their behavior. This, too, is a dangerous premise from which to operate. As fallen creatures our personal judgments are all too fallible — particularly when it concerns spiritual matters. We should not test experience in light of experience; rather, we should test experience in light of the final court of arbitration, the Word of God. This is precisely why God directs His people to search His written Word for counsel in matters of doctrine and daily living. Faithful followers of Christ must therefore look not to their own personal experiences, but to the Scriptures as the ultimate measuring rod. As Scripture itself exhorts us, “test all things” (1 Thes. 5:21; cf. Acts 17:11; 1 Tim. 3:16).
Even a cursory examination of the Scripture-twisting tactics of men like Rodney Howard-Browne and John Arnott reveals their propensity for taking Scripture out of context to develop a pretext for their convoluted notions. This is why today, more than ever, it is incumbent upon believers to be so familiar with the truth that when a counterfeit looms on the horizon, they will know it instantaneously.
— Hank Hanegraaff


Anonymous said...

I am in agreement with your analysis. I came to the same conclusions while attending the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, using the skills of searching the scripture for myself that Bethel helped me to develop and grow in.

I would just urge you that, while it is important to warn against bad teachings, it is also important to maintain honor and respect for other followers of God. We all search, and are all in error at some point.

John Arnott came and spoke while I was there, and he had many good and biblical things to say. Instead of pointing and saying something or someone is bad, I would say it is best to point to God who is good, and teach others to be discerning. If you know God you will also know what is not from Him.

Thank you for your analysis. It has helped clarify some things for myself.

Anonymous said...

I love my Jesus!!!! I'm so glad He has opened my eyes to the truth. I used to be a luke warm Christian, and not full of the Holy Spirit's power. I use to look at strange things like laughing, and dancing all crazy like, and think that there is no way it's from God.

But praise the Lord I know better now!!!!!!!!! When I finally surrendered to the Lord ship of my life, God started teaching me Himself. I love my Jesus!!!!!! He didn't do things the way man expected Him to. If you look to who is operating in God power, (or past revivals) there is always, laughter, being drunk in the spirit, and being knocked out in the power of God. If you're not open to God doing whatever He wants you will miss Him. Let Him train you. Let Him show you. Be open to letting Him take over. It's the most amazing time you'll ever have if you do. God is anything but boring. And He will operated however He pleases. By the way, I love love being drunk on the spirit. I love when I'm filled with Holy laughter. (who doesn't like to laugh?) But most of all I love being filled with the power of God. And I know I'm with the master. He's my best friend, and He's my love.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that at some points, some teachers do take Scripture out of context and twist them, especially in the "Holy Laughter" movement.

I would encourage you, however, to look beyond only the few, high-profile movements that you know of from an apparent distance and get into the lives of people that have been through them.

You WILL find some who will say "it was all fake, etc. etc."

However, you will also find those like myself and many friends who found themselves completely set free from depression, self mutilation, addictions, and now utterly set on studying the Word and praying (whether those "tingly goose bumps" show up or not). This aftermath and reality STILL continuing some 5+ years down the road.

All in all, my exhortation to you is to be slow to judge what is and is not God's work in a body of people who love Jesus Christ (i would hate to have to stand before Him and say that I mocked something He was really doing if it is) and quick to observe the fruits. And by observe the fruits, I mean individuals, not what you can watch on a TV or web cast, or even from the back of the room. Listen to those who have both positive and negative stories (inevitable) and then determine where the offense is coming from and where the interest is coming from in both parties. After you have done this, you will have adequate experience to issue your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I've been a Christian fo many years, and have read scripture from a-z 3+ times as well as many commentaries. I've NEVER heard or read about people behaving in this way of "holy laughter", being "drunk" in the spirit, falling to the floor, and even going into convulsion. When I go to church, I'm very humbled and in control as I'm the presence of God...but I also know that in these end times the very church itself is under massive attack by satan and his demon horde, so as to decieve. I have way too much to say here, but like I say, there is no mention of Christ's disciples/folowers shrieking, laughing, flailing, gyrating, falling down, or convulsing when Jesus Himself was establishing the church nearly 2 millenium ago. This behaviour is more akin to the demon possessed that we read about in the New testament...God forgive me if I'm wrong.

...A discerning brother :)

candace said...

I know this is old, but I just stumbled across this blog, searching for my own answers. I just had a "holy laughter" experience myself last night. I've been saved for 22 years and never even witnessed such a thing until a few mos ago, and I thought it was CRAZY and that the people were losing their minds.

However, I now agree with the person who posted anonymously and said to find people who have experienced this and talk to them. Don't judge because of people you perceive to be wacky. See, I'm a control freak, Type A, constantly worried about what people think of me type of person. But last night as I was praying for a friend - it had absolutely NOTHING to do with worship music I might add as I missed all but 1 min of worship at my church getting there late - I became overcome, first speaking in tongues (never have before in my life), then spazzing out uncontrollably. At first I was embarrassed, worried about what everyone else would think as I was the only one going through that. Then I heard God say "Surrender your will to me, let go, let me take control of your life." I fought it, and the twitching and convulsing and stuff kept continuing. The second I said "ok God, you're in control...I can't do anything, not even sit up, stand up, or walk, unless it's in your will" it stopped. Just like that. I don't know about everyone else's experience, but all I can say is that in mine, God was teaching me that HE is in control, not me. I have been trying to control all aspects of my life - my job, my relationships, etc.- and make them happen how I want them to, and as a result, have spent many many many years in serious, major depression because I couldn't make things turn out how I wanted them to be and thought I would never be happy as a result.

Also as Anonymous said, examine the FRUIT to discern the Spirit. What's the fruit of all this? The fruit is that I now have peace, I am less worried about what people think of me, and the heavy burden that I walked into church with last night has been lifted from my shoulders as I now know that God is in control and He hasn't forgotten about me and I can just let all my worries go to Him for He cares, just like Scripture says, but not what I believed for so many years. I haven't had a stable job for 2 years now, that was one of the things I was trying to control. THAT is the only true way to know what is of God and what is not, is to ask what the fruit is.

My fruit is good, therefore I believe that not all such experiences are demonic, but of God, though some may very well be demonic. However, remember that Scripture says to attribute any of the Holy Spirit's work to the devil is the one unforgiveable sin...and be very very careful of making that judgement.

Paul said...

I was once involved in the Toronto Blessings/laughter movement in Malaysia. I also had the opportunity to talk to others who were involved in this movement. We did not realize then that this is the last days and demons were deceiving us into a subtle form of occultism. Anyway, we were to be blamed for not obeying the Lord’s teaching regarding testing the spirits (I John 4:1). Instead, many of us were misled by sermons warning us not to judge others, not to quench the spirit, etc. (Of course, the Bible verses were taken out of context). And we were further deceived by leaders who claimed of people being saved or healed ; faith renewed ; etc. in their meetings—which we later found to be either exaggerated or false. By the way, this movement subsided when the true nature of the so-called revival was exposed when some prominent leaders who started or led this movement were involved in sexual immorality (Matt 7:15).

Brian Ring said...

I am 42 yrs. old and saved my entire life, I am very charismatic and believe in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. My family and I have seen many, many miracles. We shout to the Lord and sing praises, clap our hands and make a joyful noise before the Lord, and dance like David danced. I believe in all of this, but there is something going on that is not scriptural. The Bible is our lense that God gave us to live our lives and do not take this lightly as some would. The Bible warns us much about the end times being filled with seducing spirits and lying signs and wonders. If satan can appear as an angle of light what is it then if his servants appear as ministers of rightousness. If it were possible they would fool the very elect. The Word doesn't call them seducing spirits infiltrating Gods people in the end times for nothing. We are supposed to test the spirits because not every spirit is of God. He is not talking to witches, warlocks, or non-believers when He says this. God is talking to the church. How do we test the spirits? With the word of God. That should not make people angry, but make them think and check it for themselves. I know people are hungry for God to fill their lives, how much more do you think God understands this? At the same time He says that many shall perish for their lack of knowledge. God says be sober minded, and filled with the Holy Spirit, not drunk with the Holy Spirit. I have been overwhelmed by the power of God in The Spirit, I wasn't drunk or twitching uncontrollably though. Sometimes when we laugh it causes others to laugh and thats fun, but something seems out of balance in the church. If the Hindu belief has these same things including the twitching and uncontrollable laughter, and even healings, and these head shaking prophacies (wierd). It seems we better wake up and take God seriously when He only wants to protect us from seducing spirits. someone warned you to be careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit in the comments. That is good advice. So I would like to give them the same advice and be careful not to say that everything is of The Holy Spirit and affend God that way. What I say I say with fear and trembling. Maranatha

Anonymous said...

I personally believe this is the impartation of a spirit, but of one that is not holy. I do not guess the ways of God, but understanding His heart through scripture in it's entirety leads me to believe this practice is wrong. This isn't just because it looks weird. I received the impression in worship Sunday evening to bow down before the throne. I did even though I'm sure it looked weird to others.

My first observation is that supporters appear to twist scripture or use it out of context to defend this practice. This was satan's first trick leading to the fall of man. As far as "judging the fruit", which I believe is taken out of context, those I know who participate in this have chaotic lives seemingly without order since they have "let go". Todd Bentley fell into sexual immorality during his practice of this. If this gave him such clarity of God's purpose, how could he leave his family for a girl in his ministry? I don't believe that God would ever provide such "fruit".

Those who believe in this, I would suggest looking into Andrew Strom's book, Kundalini Warning or at least watch his YouTube video documenting the odd similarities between this and the Kundalini cults of the far east. If that doesn't convince you, I would urge everyone to read Revelation 17:1-6 NIV.

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”

Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery:




I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus.

Peace and Blessings in Christ Jesus

Anonymous said...

I have been following red letter ministries by Brandon barphrop. i was getting drunk in the spirit also and having this very intoxicating feeling coming over me. i was suffering headaches afterwards but i was also becoming really discouraged by the lack of self control. it was becoming more and more apparent to me that there was a real lack of caring for anything and no fear of the lord at all. people in this ministry have also used very perversed speach and hand gestures to demonstrate their relationship with Jesus, which was the final straw for me. now i understand peoples fears of offending the holy spirit or rejecting it by getting drunk or not but you must ask for spiritual discerment from Jesus. Be prepared to make a stand and test the spirits to see if its from God or not. remember God is the author of peace not doubt and confusion. Be blessed my brothers and sisters. may Gods peace and grace be with you all.amen

Unknown said...

Amen I was a luke warm christian and when I feel the holy spirit in me I laugh and it is contagious and ive had pastors touch me and they get filled also and the people that are trying real hard to disprove it answer this did he not make us in his image yes so we laugh right than why would he not let us laugh in the spirit and it happens every where I go