Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday - the first Easter Bible Story for Children

This was the third day of Jesus' death. Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday morning. At dawn two of Jesus' followers, women, went to look at the tomb.

There was an earthquake. Well, it wasn't actually an earthquake , it just seemed like one. What happened was that an angel came down from heaven, rolled back the huge stone, and sat on it. The angel scared the soldiers (guarding the grave) so bad shook and passed out. They probably went #1 in their pants! The angel told the women not to be afraid. He said that Jesus had just risen from the dead like he said he would. He told them to check out the grave, then go tell the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee. They did what he said.

On the way, they ran into Jesus! They started worshipping him. That was the right thing to do. He told them to do as the angel had told them. After the guards had come to, they ran to the preachers and told them everything that happened. They paid the guards to tell Pilate that disciples had stolen Jesus' body. There was only one thing they couldn't stop. Jesus was alive! Alive! They beat him, whipped him, nailed him to a cross, killed him, buried him, sat guards on his grave, but he came back! He truly is the Son of God! He didn't have to do it, but he wanted to pay for your sins. That's the only way he could pay for it, and he did. Jesus stayed on the earth for another 40 days.

Then he went to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. He is still listening to your prayers today.

- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

EASTER SUNDAY: The First Day of the Week


Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’” (Lk.24:1-3, 5-7)

Meditation: Glorify the Son: Risen Savior Jesus Christ!

Early in the morning, the first day, before dawn Jesus rose from the dead. The angel from heaven descended and rolled back the tomb stone and there was a great earthquake. The guards shook for fear became like a dead men. The first people who made discovery of Risen Savior were women, Mary, Mary Magdalene.(Matt.28:1-4) They ran back to disciples and told about the missing body of Christ. Peter and John (whose name was not mentioned in John the gospel due to authorship humility) ran back to empty tomb (Jn.20:3,4). They both were amazed and went back home.
Then Jesus the risen Savior appeared to Mary Magdalene and spoke her about His ascension.
Two followers of Jesus who walked with Him on the road way to Emmaus that same evening, Jesus spoke to them and ate with them. Now one of those two followers name was Simon. (Lk.24:13-34).

This first day at evening while disciples were assembled, when door were shut, Jesus appeared in their midst, saying “Peace be with you.” (Jn.20:19).

Then after eight days when Thomas was presented Jesus came in the midst while door were shut again (Jn.20:26)

Now this is the third time Jesus showed Himself after His resurrection at the Sea of Tiberias to His disciples. This time Jesus ate breakfast (fish menu) with His disciples. (Jn.21:1, 10-12).

Jesus ascended to Heaven on the Mount of Olive before many followers and proven that He is the Risen Savior. Two angels who stood by the crowd confirmed that Jesus would come again just as it was. (Lk.24:50,51; Acts 1:9-12).

The sign of Jonah is the theme for this resurrection Sunday. Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” (Lk.11:29). Exactly! Our generation today is wicked before God and there is no fear of God. For this generation, Jesus would give the same sign again, if we ask for a sign from Him. The sign of Jonah? Three days and three nights in the bally of fish? That is the greatest sign of Jesus to this generation, the death, burial and resurrection of the Son of God. Why is the greatest sign? Because there is no one in the history of mankind that has victory over the death, but Jesus does. Jesus said that even the wicked generation of Nineveh was repented by Jonah’s preaching, here is greater than Jonah. (Matt.12:41). Which is Jesus refers to Himself as greater than Jonah.

God sent Jonah, for His love upon the people, to the Ninevites before His judgment come upon them. The same manner, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ for the love that He has upon us, to this world.(Jn.3:16,17). If this world could repent from their sins, God would have saved it from the Judgment just like Nineveh. Scripture confirms this; “For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation.” (Lk.11:30)


Jesus said to Martha when Lazarus the brother was died, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believers in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believers in Me shall never die. Do you believe this? The same question that Jesus will ask to you and me, ‘Do you believe?’ It is the matter of faith that determines the destiny of a person. Jesus requires your trust in Him absolutely.

No matter how great His atoning work was if you refuse to accept it for you. Jesus was kind enough to teach the doubtful Thomas who said, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” (Jn.20:25). Jesus appeared to Thomas and other disciples saying, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving but believing.” Then Jesus added, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (Jn.20:27,29) Indeed, we are blessed.

Very important command that Jesus left to us that is the great commission; “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mk.16:15). Therefore, we are called to preach the gospel, are we preaching?

Jesus explains to us the passion of Christ as; “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things.” (Lk.24:46-48). Till Jesus Christ coming again! Amen!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday Bible Story for Children

Jesus was dead and in the grave. The preachers were happy! But they were afraid that the disciples would steal the body. They knew that Jesus had said he would come back to life in three days. So they went crying to Pilate again. He ordered them to take a guard and secure the grave the best way they could. They made sure the body was there, made sure the huge stone was covering the grave, and put a seal on it. Then they left the grave guarded, so no one could mess with it.

- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

Saturday (The Seventh Day of the Week)


Then they took the body of Jesus, and bound it in strips of linen with the spices, as the custom of the Jews is to bury. Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid.” (John 19:40-41)

Meditation: The Quiet Day: Did Jesus go to Hell?

Now, Jesus was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea who was a secret follower of Jesus. He was a prominent council member also known as Pharisees who was righteous man (Lk.23:50). There was another Pharisees came to bury Jesus that evening, whose name was Nicodemus, who at first came to Jesus by night and asking how can he get to heaven? (Jn.3:1, 4, 9). Here we find that Jesus was crucified by the masterminding of Pharisees then buried by two Pharisees who were secret followers of Jesus (Jn.19:39-40). One thing for sure, Nicodemus was saved man after he heard from Jesus, “You must be born again” (Jn.3:3; 19:39).

Now the night was cool and silent. It looks like; the day itself was exhaled from this crucifixion event. Now at the early Sabbath hours, the high priest and Pharisees can not rest went up to request Pilate to secure the tomb. Indeed, they try the best just like Pilate said, “make it as secure as you know how.” (Matt.27:62-65).

Where did Jesus’ spirit go while His body was lying in the tomb? Today many believe that Jesus went to hell and defeated the devil and his army. They add without this conquest to hell, Jesus’ atonement work on the cross is not sufficient to save us. That is totally wrong and heresy.
Jesus said on the cross three things to make sure for us where He went while He was lying in the tomb physically. First, Jesus said, “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit…” then He gave up His spirit. (Lk.23:46). So Jesus went to the Father. Second, Jesus told to the thief on the cross, saying, “Today, you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Lk.23:43). Again, Jesus went to Paradise which is Heaven where God the Father is. Third, Jesus said, “It is finished.” (Jn.19:30) He was proclaiming that the atoning work on the cross has completed. There is no further requirement needed for our salvation.

Once and for all, Jesus died on the cross and buried in the tomb. Now we are eagerly waiting for His resurrection on early tomorrow. The disciples must have been still hiding around fear of their persecution for just being follower of Jesus Christ. They must have been disappointed asking question in their mind, “Now what?”

Are we forgetting what Jesus has told us before? Are we not able to believe Him sometime like the disciples? Jesus said that He will rise again on the third day, if you were in the disciples’ shoes, will you be waiting for Christ? What would you do on this Saturday?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Bible Story for Children

Jesus was taken to Caiaphas (definitely not a southern name). He was the head preacher (High Priest). The teachers of the law and elders were there. Peter followed the crowd there, and hid among the guards to find out what would happen.

The preachers started asking Jesus a bunch of questions, but Jesus wouldn't answer them. Finally Caiaphus asked Jesus, under oath, if Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus said that he was, and that one day they would see him sitting at the right hand of God. With that, Caiaphus said that Jesus was guilty of blasphemy (sort of taking the Lord's name in vain) and asked the others what they thought. They agreed and said that Jesus should be put to death. Then they started spitting on him, hitting him with their fists, slapping him, and making fun of him. Don't you know that when they died, and went before God for judgment, that Jesus was sitting there saying, "I told you so!"

Remember, Peter was sitting outside listening. 3 times people recognized him and said that Peter was with Jesus. He sore up and down that he had never even met Jesus! The third time he did this, a rooster crowed announcing that it was Friday morning. He had denied Christ 3 times, just as Jesus said he would. The preachers took Jesus to the governor, Pilate, to have Jesus killed. The preachers didn't have the authority to do it. At the same time, Judas realized he had messed up. He tried to give the money back, and the preachers wouldn't take it. Judas threw the money into the Temple and ran off and killed himself. The preachers used the money to buy a burial place for foreigners. That fulfilled a prophecy in Jeremiah.

When Jesus was in front of Pilate, he was asked if he was King of the Jews. Jesus said he was. The preachers brought evidence against Jesus, and Jesus wouldn't defend himself. Pilate had no choice but to go through with the plan to kill Jesus. He didn't want to. Even Pilot's wife went to him and said that Jesus was innocent, and have nothing to do with it. She had a dream about it.

Pilate had one more chance to get out of this mess. It was a holiday, and they had a custom. The governor could release one prisoner back to the Jews. He knew that only five days before, on Sunday, Jesus had come into town being treated like a king! The crowds loved him. Jesus had been performing miracles all week. Surely if he offered to let Jesus go the crowds would be happy. He made his odds a little better by offering them only two choices. Jesus or Barabbas. Barrabas was a murderer and was hated. But the preachers convinced the crowd that Barabbas should be released and Jesus killed. When Pilate asked which of the two should be released, the crowd yelled, "Barabbas!" Pilate asked what crime had Jesus done? What should be done to him? The crowd yelled that Jesus should be crucified. Pilate was shocked, and washed his hands. He said he didn't want Jesus' blood on his hands. The crowd yelled, "Let his blood be on us and on our children." So Pilate had Jesus beaten with whips, and turned him over to be crucified.

The governor's soldiers took Jesus away. A crowd of the soldiers circled Jesus. They stripped him naked and put a scarlet robe on him, made a crown out of thorns and put that on his head, and put a staff in his right hand. Then they started spitting on him, making fun of this "king of the Jews". They took the staff and beat him in the head over and over again. Then they put his own clothes back on him and led him away to be crucified.

You might not know what "crucified" is. If the government puts someone to death today, they use either electrocution or lethal injection. Fairly recently they would have used firing squad or hanging. In Jesus' day, the used crucifying. They used wood shaped like a T or an X. They would tie a prisoner to it. It was so high the prisoner's feet couldn't touch the ground. The person would hang by their arms until their lungs collapsed or they died because they had no food or water. It could take days for someone to die. But because the holiday was coming they had to speed up Jesus' death. There are several references in the New Testament that says that Jesus was nailed to the cross, not tied to it. That means they hammered huge nails through his hands and feet to hold Jesus to the cross.

Since Jesus was beaten so bad, he was not strong enough to carry the cross (as was custom) to the place they crucified him, Golgotha. So the soldiers forced a man named Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross. The soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross. They gambled for his clothes. Pilot ordered a sign to be put on the cross above Jesus' head. It said "This is Jesus, King of the Jews." The preachers wanted to add to it "this man claims to be" but Pilate wouldn't let them. Crowds of people came by and yelled insults at Jesus. There were two robbers that were being crucified beside Jesus. They were yelling insults at him. One of them ended up asking Jesus for forgiveness.

Some miracles were about to happen. The Jewish Temple had a special sanctuary called the Holy of Holies. Normal people like us weren't allowed in there, only the preachers. In fact, only special preachers. That part of the Temple was separated by a heavy curtain, and normal people weren't allowed to even look in there.

From noon until 3 in the afternoon, it was dark! It should have been daylight, but God was sending a sign. At a little after 3, Jesus died. Immediately, there was an earthquake. Rocks split, the curtain in the Temple split open. Tombs opened up and many holy people were raised from the dead. When the soldiers saw all of this, they were scared. They now knew that Jesus was the King. Several women were watching what was going on. They believed in Jesus and had been following him for a while.

A man named Joseph had a grave that he had just had made in the side of a mountain. It was solid rock. Joseph was a follower of Jesus. He asked Pilate if he could have Jesus' body, to bury him. Pilate agreed. He took Jesus' body, wrapped it in clean cloth, and put it in the grave. Then he rolled a huge rock in front of it. What Joseph didn't realize was that he wasn't giving Jesus the tomb, he was only letting him borrow it!

- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

Friday: The Six Day of the Week


And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified Him, and two others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center. Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. (Jn.19:17-19)

Meditation: Crucify Him! (Were You There?)

Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Screaming of the crowd was unbearable for Jesus. Not to mention His earthly mother, Mary who stood by the crowed and could not help her Son. She could feel the people for their anger, false accusation, thirst for blood, unkindness, etc. as if they were accusing her. Suddenly, every thing surround her seemed completely silence. Her eyes seeing but her ears not hearing, she was captured back to her memory.
Jesus was brought before Annas, the high priest who was the father-in-law of the High Priest Caiaphas (Jn18:13,24). After abusive treatment that they render to Jesus then brought before Caiaphas. He asked right question “Are you the Son of God?” to Jesus. In the mind of Jewish, the title ‘the Son of God’ simply indicates ‘God Himself.’ So Caiaphas was asking Jesus; “Are You God?” Jesus can’t tell lie, He said “You rightly say that I am” (Lk.22:70).
Now this was early morning hour of Friday (the six day of a week), it was also the feast of Passover which had being observed, they brought Jesus to Pilate. Pilate asked the right question to Jesus saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus replied, “It is as you say.” Now the historical background played part here. Pilate was ruler of southern land of Judea. His Jurisdiction was not a part of Galilee where Jesus was resided in the town called Nazareth. So he sent Jesus back to Herod who was visiting Jerusalem at that time (Lk.23:7). At first he was happy to see Jesus for his popularity. Yet he end up mocking Him and sent Him back to Pilate.
Pilate substituted Barabbas instead of Jesus to release Him. The crowd cried out to chose Barabbas over Jesus. They shouted Crucify Him! Pilate being afraid of uprising and losing of his reputation, he simply washed his hands and surrender Jesus into their hands.

Jesus walked the way of cross on that day. It was still early morning. Jesus was brought to the place called Calvary also known as Golgotha (skull) and they crucified Him there around 9AM. His hands and feet peered through by nails to the wooden cross. He was lifted up and hung for six hours. At noon the darkness fell till 3PM when He died on the cross.

Jesus spoke seven words on cross. (1) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (2) Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (3) “Woman, behold your son! Behold your mother!” (4) “I thirst!” (5) “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? (My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?) (6) “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.” (7) “It is finished!”
Now the Sabbath was approaching at dusk of the Friday, around 6 PM it begun. Quickly buried Jesus’ body at the tomb of Joseph for they have to rest on the Sabbath according to the commandment. .


Where were you when Jesus was crucified? Were you there? Jesus paid our sins on the cross regardless of our belief and choice. You and I are covered by His atonement. Just to be sure to accept that perfect sacrifice (Jesus Christ) to offer as peace offering to God for our sins. In His pain and suffering He forgives our iniquity. Is this being the end of hopelessness? Indeed, it is finished and Sin has been paid in full. Peter denied today three times along the way, just beside Christ openly. Will you be denying Jesus today?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday Children Bible Story

This was the first day of the holiday. It was supposed to be the day they had a special meal, called the "Feast of Unleavened Bread." Jesus probably spent the day teaching and praying. He sent some disciples to borrow a place in the city to have their feast.

While Jesus was eating with his 12 disciples, he told them that one of them would betray him. He even knew it was Judas. Why did he let Judas hang around? Jesus knew that one of them would have to fulfill scripture. So he let Judas do what had to be done. This meal was called the "Last Supper." It is where we get the ritual called "communion." Jesus told us to drink the wine, and remember his blood that he shed for our sins. He told us to eat the bread, and remember his body. After they ate, they sang a hymn together. Then they went to a place called the "Mount of Olives."

Jesus was talking to his disciples and told them that they would all disown him. Peter, one of the disciples, was a little hot headed. He told Jesus that even if he had to die, he would never deny Jesus. Jesus told him that before the sun came up the next morning, that Peter would deny him 3 times! Peter disagreed, and all of the disciples agreed with Peter, they would NEVER deny Jesus.

Jesus and the disciples left the Mount of Olives and went to Gethsemane. He told the disciples to sit tight while he went to pray. He took 3 disciples with him a little way, and then he started getting really sad. He told the 3 disciples to watch out for him, he went a little further away from them, fell to his face, and prayed. When he returned to the disciples, he found them asleep! He woke them up, told them to pray to resist temptation, then he left them to go and pray. He did this 3 times, and every time the disciples fell asleep! The last time he told them that his time was about up, and his betrayer was coming.

While he was speaking, Judas came up the hill. Judas wasn't alone. With Judas was a large crowd of people armed with swords and clubs. The preachers (chief priests) and elders had sent them. Judas had given them a signal, the one he kissed was to be arrested. Judas said hello to Jesus and kissed him. Jesus knew what was going on and told Judas to do what he had come for.

The men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. One of Jesus' followers had some guts. He pulled out his sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers. John said that Simon Peter did it, and that makes sense. Anyway, Jesus touched the soldiers ear and healed him! One of the guys arresting him! Even more surprising, they arrested Jesus anyway. Jesus told them it was dumb to hire a betrayer, and sneak up in the night, because he was in the temple every day. They could have grabbed him for free any day of the week. But he explained that it was to fulfill prophecy. Those dumb old jealous preachers didn't realize that they were helping complete what was told of in the Old Testament. They took Jesus into town, and all of the disciples and followers deserted him and ran away. Hours before they said they would follow him, even if it meant death!

- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

Thursday: The Fifth Day of the Week


Now the men who held Jesus mocked Him and beat Him. And having blindfolded Him, they struck Him on the face and asked Him, saying, “Prophesy! Who is it that struck You?” And many other things they blasphemously spoke against Him. (Lk.22:63-65)

Meditation: Jesus the Passover Lamb

Today (Thursday: The Fifth Day of a Week) significant day for the Jewish people. It is called Preparation Day or Feast of Passover Day or The Day of Unleavened Bread (Lk.22:7). That day the Passover lamb must be killed. Jesus the Passover Lamb was slain on the cross on that day of “Preparation Day”. The Preparation Day begins the Thursday sun down and end at Friday sun down. Jesus was hanged on the cross on Friday around 9AM to 3 PM (Mk.15:25; Lk.23:44). It was within the time frame of Preparation Day.
Jesus told His disciples to prepare for the Passover feast. Here Jesus showed His deity by pointing out the specific person to lead for the place where they must feast unleavened bread. Disciples must have been surprised with this experience. However all the gospel account writers do not express any amazement that should have made by disciples. Probably the disciples have already experienced once when they were told to get the donkey for the Master’s use at triumphant entry toward Jerusalem a few days ago.

This day, Jesus introduced Lord’s Supper (Communion) on the day of Passover feast. We can see the paradigm shifted. The New Covenant is replaced upon the Old Covenant. Jesus said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood...” Indeed, the blood of Christ which is the New Covenant that God has made with us, no more the blood of animals, which is Old one. “New” in the sense that “Better One” which is “Better Covenant” now we have in Christ.

After the supper, Jesus and His disciple went up to the Mount of Olives where the garden of Gethsemane located. Jesus prayed the rest of the night in agony, the sweat became like great drops of blood. The angel of God comforted Him.
The disciples were not able to stay up with Him. From this time on ward Jesus was experiencing the separation from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The capture of this thought alone causes Him to suffer much. Indeed, separation from God itself is the ultimate punishment for sin as we understand the concept of “Eternal Hell.”
As the betrayer, Judas Iscariot approached Him and kissed, Jesus said, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” (Lk.22:48). This question must stroked deep to the heart of Judas. Interestingly, when Jesus responded the question of the troops that they seek Jesus of Nazareth, saying “I am He,” they all fell back to the ground (Jn.18:6). The power of Christ is evident in His name.
There was another betrayer, Peter Simon denied Jesus three times as He predicted. When rooster crows Peter cried bitterly and repented. The traditional story told about Peter’s the last moment was that he was crucified upside down on the cross. He said that he was not worthy to die like Master, so he requested to be crucified upside down on that cross. He was faithful to Christ till he died.
Jesus was beaten and mocked through out the night. He faced the Sanhedrin, the council of chief priests and scribes. Then He was continued to be trialed till in the Friday morning by the Jewish religious leaders.


Scriptures says, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.” (Isa.53:7).
Jesus suffered and bore our iniquities upon Him, willingly gave up His life for many. He faced shame and humility although He was the Son of God. Do we deserve this grace? Are we worthy to receive such mercy? No one deserves any thing, except Jesus gave freely. For He loves us while we are yet sinners, He dies for us (Rom.5:8). Are you still refusing His grace and mercy? Let us remember His sacrificial love whenever we partake of communion. Let us be faithful to Christ until the end.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wendnesday Bible Story for Children

We don't know exactly what Jesus did on Wednesday. He either went back to the Temple, talked to people in Jerusalem, or went to talk to people in the country side.

We know something was happening behind his back. Remember, just a few days ago his disciples were walking with him into Jerusalem. They were with him in the Temple. They were hearing his teaching and watching him heal people. But one of them, Judas Iscariot, was deciding to make a little cash. He heard Jesus say that he was about to die. Judas wanted to secure his future, with money. He should have been thinking about securing his future with God!

Judas went to the preachers (chief priests) and asked how much they were willing to pay if he handed over Jesus. They gave him 30 silver coins.

So from that time on, one of Jesus' own disciples started looking for a way to turn Jesus in.

- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

Wednesday (Fourth Day of a Week)

Scripture: "The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born." (Mark 14:21)

Meditation: Judas Iscariot’s Master Plan

Gospel accounts did not record much about Jesus’ activities on the Wednesday, fourth day of a week. Rather some people suggest that He was resting or staying low profile some where on that day. Jesus was at Bethany at the house of Simon the leper (Matt.26:6). Meanwhile, Judas Iscariot was busy contacting with Pharisees for his Master plan to betray Jesus (Matt.26:14-15). Many people used to ask the question, “Why Judas Iscariot betray Jesus?” There are many obvious reasons in Judas’ betrayal to Jesus.

First of all, the “money” is the root cause. Thirty pieces of silver may seem much for Judas to lust after it. It could buy a piece of land at that time (Matt.27:7,8). Judas was recorded by John as a thief who being treasurer of the group and stealing money out of it (John 12:6).
Second, his motive to follow Christ must be thrust for the power and popularity. As soon as he realized that Jesus was no longer going to be king of Israel , his disappointment may prompted him to reject Him. Properly, it may be happen right after the triumphant entry where Jesus predicted of His death. (Jn.12:32-34).
Third, it must be “Sin” that dwell in his un-regenerated heart. He was lost from the beginning and never come to repentance of his sinful nature. Jesus told that such person, for him, it is better not to be born into this world (Mk.14:21).
Fourth, Satan entered Judas and used him for his purpose (Lk.22:3). I believe that Judas Iscariot was given many chances to come to the knowledge of salvation while he was walking closely with the Master Jesus. Indeed, he was responsible for his own action.
Judas sought the opportunity to betray him from this day (Matt.26:16). Judas was giving chance to repent till the last moment when Jesus point him out at the last supper, yet his heart was harden. In comparison between Peter and Judas; they both had betrayed Christ in a moment, Peter was repented but not Judas . Judas went and hung himself.


Isn’t so agony when you find out that you are not what you think you are? Assurance of our salvation is great and Scripture teaches us about that. But false assurance that we belong to Christ, without being true to yourself, actually you are lost, would be painful. We ought to be sure in our faith in Jesus Christ. Our salvation in Christ does not depend on our experience, prayer or any other spiritual exercises. It is simply accepting in faith upon His atonement work on the cross. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourself; it is the gift of God,...” (Eph.2:8).
You may examine yourself for whether you are saved or not by checking a few of these characters within you. Your love for God is genuine and real which shows in your conducts and character. You are continually fellowship with Christ in your prayer and obedience to His words. You do not enjoy dwelling in sin whenever you fall yet growing out of it. You are submitting yourself under the guidance of Holy Spirit in every aspect of your life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday Bible Story for Children

Jesus went back to the Temple. He started doing what he did best, teaching and preaching. But the preachers (chief priests) wanted to trick him. They wanted him to say something that would be evidence in court to kill him. If not that, at least enough that all of the crowds around Jesus would turn away from him. They couldn't trick Jesus! He knew the Bible too well. Whenever they would ask him a question, he knew an answer, backed up by scripture, which they couldn't argue with. Then he would tell stories that would prove that even "tax collectors and prostitutes" would have a better chance of getting into heaven than the preachers.

You see, the preachers in that day had a thing for titles. They wore fancy clothes and demanded undue respect from the worshipers. He told his disciples not to call themselves "Rabbi", "Father", or "Teacher." He said that people who put themselves on a pedestal would get knocked off, and that people that acted humble would be lifted up. Jesus said we should all act like servants to those that needed us.

The more Jesus taught, the madder the preachers got. When they couldn't trick him, they sent others to try and trick him. They couldn't do it, either, and everyone was amazed at how smart Jesus was. The preachers knew they were licked, so they quit asking him questions. They went over to a guy's house (Caiaphas) and started discussing how they would kill Jesus.

That night Jesus went back to Bethany. He stayed at Simon's house. A woman brought over a bottle of very expensive perfume, opened it, and poured it on Jesus' head. The disciples were confused. They said, "That was dumb! She could have sold that perfume and given the money to the poor." They knew that Jesus' had a thing about giving to the poor. But Jesus surprised them by saying that she had done the right thing, she was getting him ready to be buried.

- Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

Monday, March 17, 2008

Tuesday (Third day of the Week)


"But watch out for yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and you will be beaten in the synagogues. And you will be brought before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them. And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations." (Mk.13:9, 10)

Meditation: Real Deal with Jesus Christ

In the morning, Jesus and His disciples returned to Jerusalem. On the way, Peter said, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree which You cursed has withered away.”(Mk.11:21). Jesus taught the importance lesson about the power of prayer. Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” (Mk.11:24). The key to answering prayer is being able to forgive and receive forgiveness from God (v.25).
Jesus now came back to the temple which He cleansed yesterday, came to see face to face with the chief priests, scribes, and elders. They questioned Him on His authority. Jesus answered the question by asking question back to them. It is a showdown. Jesus related back to John the Baptist who was known to all people as prophet of God, including Pharisees. Remember that John the Baptist was proclaiming about Jesus as the Lamb of God. Then, if they accept John the Baptist, they must accept Jesus as well.

Now Jesus was teaching and answering questions from people regarding His coming, death and resurrection. The parable of the wicked vinedressers (Mk.12:1-11) was direct hit to the hearts of enemy of Jesus (Mk.12:12). The questions like these were answered by Jesus at that day in the temple; is it lawful to pay tax to Caesar? Who will be the husband of a woman when the resurrection comes? Which is the first or the most importance commandment of all?
Jesus saw one great thing about a widow woman’s deeds among the wicked hearts that surrounded Him that day. That widow woman gave two mites which she had for everything. Jesus praised about her giving.
Jesus took off from temple to the mount Olives just opposite of the temple. Here may be the best place that God the Father spoke from Heaven with a voice for the third time directly to Jesus. And this is also the last time God the Father spoke with a voice while Jesus was present on earth. The Father said, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” (Jn.12:28). People heard it, disciples heard it and surely John heard it clearly.
Jesus prophesized about future when Peter, James, and John asked about end time. Here Jesus told the signs to watch out and caution to take about truth and false doctrines (Mk.13:3-37). There will be a great tribulation and the promise of Jesus return as King of kings.
That evening, Jesus rested at the Mount Olives with His disciples.


Today, the lesson for us is about being able to see who Jesus Christ really is. His reason of coming to this world, being a sacrificial Lamb, and coming again as King of kings and Lord of lords with authority are clearly stated in His teaching and testimony. The question is that are we like those Pharisees who had doubtful and harden their hearts? Or are we just simply believe when we see the evidences of who Jesus Christ is? Scriptures says “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion” (Ps.95:7, 8). Let us believe in Jesus Christ who is the only way that God has provided for the mankind for the salvation.

Monday Bible Story for Children

Jesus was going to spend the next few days in church, the Temple. At some point, Monday or Tuesday, it was early in the morning as he went back into town, headed for the Temple. He was hungry.

He saw a fig tree and walked over to it to get a bite. We don't eat many figs, these days, unless they are in a fig newton. But they are good. Anyway, when he got to the tree, he saw that it didn't have any fruit on it. Just a bunch of leaves. You can't eat fig leaves. So Jesus just told that tree that it would never have fruit again, and it withered up and died! The disciples were amazed by that one. They had seen him bring dead people to life, but not kill anything. When they asked him how he did it, he told them that it was just a little faith. He said that if we believed, and asked for something in prayer, that we would receive it. If we told a mountain to jump in the sea, it would jump in the sea!

So Monday Jesus goes to the Temple. Remember that there were people selling stuff for sacrifices there? There were also people exchanging the local money for the foreign money. They were all making a huge profit in the church. Jesus saw this and was mad. He said that they were turning his house of prayer into a den of robbers. He turned over their tables and kicked them out of there! This made them mad. Not only them, but the preachers (chief priests) at the Temple, too. They were probably making a commission from the people selling stuff.

Jesus stayed in the Temple, and made the preachers even more mad. Jesus started healing people. People that were blind, he made see. People that were cripple, he made them walk. This made the preachers look bad, because they weren't doing that stuff. Then these kids started running (in the church, you KNOW preachers hate that) and shouting (ditto) "Hosanna to the Son of David!" Then the preachers went to Jesus and said, "Do you hear what those kids are yelling?" They were hoping he would say, "Kids, I'm just Jesus, Ya'll be quiet in this church!" But he didn't. He threw a scripture at them. He did that all the time. He said, "Yes, have you never read, 'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?" He had 'em stumped.

He was tired, so he left to go to a town called Bethany to spend the night.

-Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell -

Monday (Second Day of the Week)

Scripture: Matthew 21:12-17
Mark 11:15-19
Luke 19:45-48
John (no mention)

Meditation: Final Missiion of Christ: Cleansing of Spiritual Darkness

After the Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem, Jesus returned to Bethany at evening. Jesus spent the night in prayer much of which he prayed for us. According to John gospel account even in the last hour, Jesus’ prayer was all about us. (Jn.17:1-26) His love is far greater than anything else for us. More to say, Jesus wept as He looked over the city of Jerusalem. He was moved with compassion upon this city and people, says “if you have known…, the things that make for your peace!(Lk.19:42)

Jesus predicted His death, betrayer, and resurrection immediately after the triumphal entry. Of cause, the disciples who heard it, wasn’t understood at that time. He gave the example of a grain of wheat that felt into ground and died and it produced much grain. (Jn.12:24). Indeed, Jesus was that grain of wheat which brings many lives into eternal glory through His death on the cross.

Jesus took off in the morning from Bethany back to Jerusalem. On His way, He found the fig tree that did not bear fruit and He cursed it. It is a little bit strange for our Lord to do so, as we think. However, it was the very effective object lesson that He taught to His disciples. It is the cleansing act of God for the spiritual barren. Much of its lesson should be learned in our spiritual life. True enough, Jesus next step was toward the temple. He rampaged through the businesses of people at the temple gate. He proclaimed “My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” (Lk.19:46) These are Jesus’ final mission of cleaning the spiritual darkness among people.
Jesus healed the blind and the lame at the temple that day (Matt.21:14). He now returned to Bethany again.


Jesus teaches us just before His way to the cross that we should walk in the light while we can unless darkness overtake you (Jn.12:35). It is a warning as well as encouragement to us that we are to faithfully walk in the light. It reminds us by John, saying, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1Jn.1:6-7) Let us walk in the light till He comes again (Eph.5:8).

Jesus added, “While you have the light believe in the light, that you may become sons of light” (Jn.12:36). If you have not known Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is time now for you to accept Him in your life. Jesus Christ is the light of the World (Jn.8:12). “In Him (Jesus Christ) was life, and the life was the light of men.” (Jn.1:4). Jesus gives eternal life to those who believe in Him (Jn.3:16).

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Palm Sunday Bible Story for Children

A holiday was coming. Passover was an important holiday to Jews in Jesus' time, even more important than today. Jews from all over the world would go to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices in the Temple. They would travel so far that it wouldn't be practical to bring the sacrifices with them, so they would buy them at the Temple.

Jesus was going to travel to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, also. But he knew that the people there would try to kill him. He had been out in the country preaching, teaching, casting out demons, healing people, and doing all kinds of miracles. He was so popular, that the people had decided he was surely the new King of Israel.

He sent his disciples to borrow a donkey, so that he could ride into Jerusalem instead of walk. He wasn't being lazy, he was doing what a verse in the old testament said he would do. Check out Zechariah 9:9. Anyway, the disciples borrowed the donkey and put their coats on his back as a saddle for Jesus. He hopped on, and to Jerusalem they went.

A large crowd was on the road to Jerusalem, they didn't think that a donkey being ridden by the King should have to walk on the ground. So they started putting their coats on the road so the donkey wouldn't get his feet dusty! That's how much they loved and adored Jesus on that Sunday. And when they didn't have enough coats to lay on the ground they started cutting the leaves from palm trees and lying them on the road. That's where we get the name "Palm Sunday." Cool. If Jerusalem had been in Alabama (we have a lot of Pine trees) it would probably be called "Pine Sunday!"

While all of this was going on, the crowd was yelling stuff like, "Hosanna to the son of David!" They were giving him the royal treatment. Yelling praises, trying to shake his hand, trying to get his attention. He was getting more attention than Mark McGuire got last year after hitting all of those home runs. All of the visitors that were in town for the holiday started asking who this dude was. I guess that everyone who had heard or had seen what Jesus had done were proud to tell the visitors about Jesus. They were talking about people getting healed of blindness, him turning a few fish sticks and rolls into enough food to feed 5000 men and their families, even how he made dead people come back to life! This was going to be their new king, the Savior! Don't you think the disciples were proud to be with Jesus on that day?

Well, that's all we know about Jesus' last Sunday before Easter. Jesus probably prayed a few hours, and went to sleep. He was starting the hardest week of his life, and he knew it. He knew that in a few days, he would be dead.

-Copyright 2000 by Gene Powell-

Palms Sunday (First Day of the Week)

Scripture: On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,
Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried , Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon ; as it is written ,
Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold , thy King cometh , sitting on an ass's colt.
These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified , then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him. (John 12:12-16)

Meditation: Victory Celebrated Ahead

Is it importance for Jesus to enter Jerusalem in the way of victorious entry? It is very significant for Jesus to enter Jerusalem as the Victor. People lay up their own cloths and palm leaves on His way and saying Hosana! Hosana! (Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord). Whether people understood what they are saying or not, Jesus claimed the glory and popularity. He said that if they were not shouting, the stones will proclaim His glory today. Jesus displays the glory that about to come where His must celebrate or taste the pre-victory. Truly, the victory is for Him alone who come in God’s name to redeem the mankind. Jesus was determined and reminds the disciples for His purpose here on earth. “The Son of Man must die” in order for many to live.


Have you ever celebrate any achievement or success that you are about to have, before you actually get it? For example, when you are about to promote your position at your job, you go out and celebrate it with friends and family at dinner or party and actually the pay check is not even come to you yet. Some time, you can feel the victory so close to you that you can even taste it. Jesus was celebrating His victory over death and sin even before hand. John, the disciple describes that he and other followers of Jesus did not know at that time what manner was that (John 12:16). Now, when he wrote this scripture account, he recalled that it was for His glorification. And he knew that it was time. Let us glorify Christ today. Tell of His greatness among people. His victory is at hand. His victory over sin and death is our victory now. We ought to celebrate this Palm Sunday with greatness and glory in His name, Jesus Christ. Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of God!